Damietta Governor Ismail Abdel Hamid confirmed that 7 cases of corruption and bribery have been referred to the Public Prosecution and are under investigation, the most prominent of which is a bribery case at the Damietta Attitudes Department. About 700 files have been referred to the Administrative Prosecution for investigation, with the knowledge of legal affairs in the governorate and a number of government agencies. Dr. Ismail Abdel-Hamid added that the Damietta National Day scheduled for May 8 will witness the opening of several vital projects in various sectors, including the development of hospitals and health units, in addition to sanitation and drinking water projects. In statements to Al-Youm Al-Sabea, the governor indicated that, in the area of paving, several projects are being implemented, including allocating 171 million pounds for paving and purchasing 500 garbage bins, and actually starting the construction of Damietta Furniture City on an area of 331 acres, and the reservation in the city will be announced through Conditions will be announced soon, for reserving workshops and small factories. Video related issues .. Damietta Governor: We are preparing for the National Day with projects in all fields, the seventh day
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