Sunday 09 / Oct / 2016 - 10:23 AM
Investigations confirmed that Ibrahim Muhammad Al-Mowafi, Director of the Education Directorate in Assiut, “Undersecretary of the Ministry,” took a course inconsistent with the due respect for the public office that came out with its requirements by canceling the term extraordinary efforts after presenting the request to the governor of Assiut, which resulted in his seizure before referring him to the pension on 24070 Pounds unjustly.
It was found that Al-Taaf Muhammad Ismail, Director of the Budget Department at the Directorate of Education in Assiut, did not perform the work assigned to it accurately and violated the financial rules and provisions by taking measures to disburse 24070 pounds before being transferred to the pension to the first accused without a right.
The investigations ended with the defendants being referred to trial, and the Administrative Prosecution asked the President of the Supreme Disciplinary Court to determine the closest hearing to the case.
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