WebsitesAfter their failure to unite ... a new human rights battle between election monitoring organizations ... "Partners for Transparency" accused some organizations of issuing fabricated reports ... and the Egyptian coalition: a serious accusation of generalization, which hurts everyone.
WebsitesPartners for Transparency will hold a training workshop for its observers on Monday in 5 constituencies
WebsitesMy rights activist accuses the organizations of their unwillingness to unify the human rights movement
Websites5 steps the government should take to prevent a recurrence of the Minister of Agriculture's case..the establishment of the Anti-Corruption Commission..Amending the laws of the supervisory bodies..Activating international conventions.Amending the administrative system..Committing the prosecution to investigate corruption reports
WebsitesThe joint international local mission launches an initiative to prepare a combined report for Egyptian organizations on the parliamentary elections .. Ayman Akil: We will not train the organizations ’observers nor will we pay money .. And the Bedouin: there is a disparity in the capabilities of the organizations
WebsitesPartners for Transparency monitored 104 incidents of corruption in August ... and supplies at the summit
WebsitesA human rights organization launches an initiative in 5 governorates to monitor electoral spending
Websites“Partners for Transparency”: 71 corruption incidents were monitored during the month of July
WebsitesPartners for Transparency calls for removing the candidate if his funding sources are not disclosed
TV and radio interviewsPartners for Transparency calls for removing the candidate if he does not disclose his funding sources
WebsitesPartners for Transparency cautions that insufficient time is devoted to discussing the budget