67 incidents of corruption ... and the ambiguity of the fate of the laws of the local administration and the Anti-Corruption Commission

 Corruption Status Book

Twentieth report “February 2017”

67 incidents of corruption ... and the ambiguity of the fate of the laws of the local administration and the Anti-Corruption Commission


Within the framework of the “Corruption Status Book” series, “Partners for Transparency” PFT continues to issue monthly reports to monitor and follow up incidents of corruption, and here is the twentieth report issued by the institution, which focuses on monitoring and analyzing legislative and procedural developments related to combating corruption, as well as counting the incidents that have been made. Unveiled during February 2017.

Legislative and procedural developments to combat corruption during February 2017:

In the halls of parliament, discussions are still going on about the Local Administration Law, which many rely on to provide a legal framework that strengthens community oversight and limits the spread of corruption in local authority institutions. However, ambiguity still surrounds the final draft of the law, which is supposed to be referred from the Local Administration Committee for discussion in public sessions. In addition, the proposal made by Representative Anisa Hassouna to establish a coordinating body to combat corruption does not take its legislative path yet despite the urgent need to create this body, especially as it will play a pivotal role in coordinating anti-corruption policies and enhance integration between the various oversight bodies.

On the other hand, in February 2017, a number of events and activities were held in some academic institutions, ministries, and government departments in the context of awareness and education related to combating corruption, and there were frequent statements by some officials related to the nature of the general trend and political performance related to combating corruption and waste of public money, and the following is a list of the most important Developments in this regard: -

  • February 1, 2017: Parliamentarian Mamdouh al-Husseini, deputy of the Local Administration Committee, stated that he is working hard and all members of the committee to end the local law and formulate all articles that limit the corruption of localities in cooperation with experts in this field, adding that local elections will take place during this year and the law that organizes this process will satisfy everyone and limit From all non-positive phenomena.
  • February 5, 2017 : The Ministry of Youth and Sports implemented the activities of the second phase of the “leadership and administrative skills and ways to combat corruption” program, with the participation of 69 trainees from the assistants of the directorates of youth and sports directorates in the governorates, as well as a group of distinguished youth, during the period from 5-9 February. The program aims to empower young leaders in directorates to assume vital positions In light of the interest of the political leadership in that.
  • February 9, 2017: Dr. Mohamed Fouad, an economist and a member of Parliament, called on the government to accelerate the implementation of the anti-corruption strategy by issuing a package of laws and measures necessary to combat administrative and financial corruption in Egypt.
  • February 9, 2017 : Counselor Adel Abdel Hamid, former Minister of Justice, said during the symposium of “Writer and Writers” at the Cairo International Book Fair that the issue of combating corruption is an issue of the entire society that is not entrusted to a single body or body, so without everyone's solidarity and concerted efforts, the matter becomes impossible, as he put it.
  • February 11, 2017 Member Mustafa El-Gendy, head of the African Affairs Committee in the House of Representatives, submitted a briefing request to Dr. Ali Abdel-Al, addressed to the Prime Minister and Minister of Local Development, regarding the sale of 50 acres of state property at 305 pounds per square meter, as a meter equals 4000 pounds.
  • February 12, 2017 The College of Veterinary Medicine, under the supervision of Dr. Magdy El-Qady, Dean of the College, organized the first anti-corruption awareness lectures, which will be circulated to all colleges of the university within the framework of the National Initiative to Support Anti-Corruption, and these lectures come within the framework of national trends to strengthen the culture of integrity, transparency and anti-corruption.
  • February 12, 2017: The Ministry of Justice announced in a statement that the anti-corruption and complaints sector received 1114 complaints from citizens and institutions during the past year related to manifestations of corruption and abuse of powers in a number of bodies and sectors, some of them affiliated with the ministry and another from other institutions, and the ministry revealed that it had received 55 complaints of corruption and abuse of powers from the Cabinet website. It was fully investigated and completed. It also received 12 complaints from the Presidency of the Republic, and they were fully completed without revealing the content of these complaints. The Ministry added that it had received 45 complaints against judges and advisors, 31 complaints were completed, 14 of which are under examination and scrutiny.
  • February 14, 2017: The Community Service and Environmental Development Unit at the Faculty of Arts, Helwan University, announced that it will start its first activities for the second semester of the 2017 academic year with a seminar entitled “Fighting Corruption”.
  • February 14, 2017 : Magdy Malak, a member of the Agriculture Committee in the House of Representatives and the head of the Wheat Fact Checking Committee, revealed his refusal to vote on the new ministerial amendment, saying: “I refused to enter the plenary session, objecting to the nomination of one of the ministerial portfolios, which is the Ministry of Agriculture, because the nomination had reservations, and the candidate was accused of the Ministry in Cases of seizure and waste of public money amounted to 18 cases, related to incidents of corruption in the ministry and the Agricultural Research Center, which he headed.
  • February 15, 2017: A workshop was held at the Administrative Control Authority Training Center under the title “Codes of Professional and Ethical Conduct in Private Sector Companies.” Where the draft code of professional and ethical conduct in private sector companies was discussed in cooperation with the Egyptian Youth Association, and agreement on its principles, the most prominent of which is in creating A system for upholding the values related to honesty, honesty and integrity, clarity of procedures within private institutions and compliance with laws and regulations, responsibility towards society and the surrounding environment and rules governing the behavior of employees of private companies in accordance with quality standards.
  • February 16, 2017 The Community Service and Environmental Development Unit at the Faculty of Arts, Helwan University, was held under the patronage of Dr. Majed Najm, the acting president of the university, in the presence of university leaders. The symposium included discussion of a set of themes, namely corruption in idioms and religions, types of corruption and its multiplicity, crimes of assault on public funds in the penal code, and corruption In the Egyptian constitution and anti-corruption oversight bodies, the United Nations Convention against Corruption, and Egypt's position on the global corruption map according to Transparency International's classification.
  • February 18, 2017: Dr. Muhammad Hisham Zain Al-Abidin Al-Sharif, Minister of Local Development, succeeding Dr. Ahmed Zaki Badr, in response to the violations and corruption that existed in most governorates without taking a deterrent punishment towards them, the Minister affirmed that the accountability mechanisms will be carried out through transparent measurement of all levels of service provided to citizens, and the measurement shall be established principles. In the world.
  • February 21, 2017: Major General Medhat Shousha, Head of the Railways Authority, denied the reports of wasting public money in the purchase of Spanish tractors. He also added: Whoever has any indictment documents for the authority must go to the Attorney General’s office.
  • February 22, 2017: The Cultural Committee of the Female Students' Union at Ain Shams University organized a symposium entitled “Together to Present the Anti-Corruption Strategy” in the presence of Prof. Ruqaya Shalabi, Dean of the College, and Prof. Hassan Ahmed El-Khouly, Professor of Sociology. Dr.. Ruqayya Shalabi, Dean of the College, said that the university is part of the state, and that the college should be proactive in combating corruption, by knowing the duties that a good citizen should perform.
  • February 22, 2017: President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi discussed with the heads of the African Supreme Constitutional Courts promoting joint action among African countries in cooperation with the Egyptian Agency for Partnership for Development affiliated with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Discussions also dealt with combating corruption at all levels and combating terrorism as well as discussing the promotion, protection and activation of human rights and fundamental freedoms of African peoples. Deepening the principles of the rule of law, independence of the judiciary, and respect for public rights and freedoms are discussed.
  • February 22, 2017: Representative Mr. Hassan Moussa, deputy of the Agriculture and Irrigation Committee in the House of Representatives, said that the Delta University in Dakahlia had demanded the ownership of 50 acres of land in the city of Belqas, which is a waste of public money and is considered a major corruption case, in addition to that the Delta University obtained a ruling from the Dispute Settlement Committee to own the land He said: “Representative Jawaher Saad Al-Sharr Benny submitted an urgent statement to verify this matter.”
  • February 23, 2017: Mansoura University, in cooperation with the Administrative Control Authority, is organizing the activities of an “Anti-Corruption Week” at Dr. Abdel-Razek Al-Sanhouri Hall under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research and University Leaders. The organization of the week comes within the framework of raising awareness for university students of the seriousness of corruption and its impact on society. Events for the first week hosted by the Faculty of Law during the period from February 26 to March 2, 2017.
  • February 25, 2017: Dr. Hisham Al-Sharif, Minister of Local Development, announced during a conference announcing the ministry's strategy for the coming period, that the formation of local councils is an integral part of the strategic plan on which the ministry is based for the coming period, stressing that a service center will be established that aims to reduce the causes of corruption, as well as decentralization and the trend to implement The e-government system, so that the relationship between the citizen and the government is dependent on mechanization and facilitating procedures between the citizen and the government, aiming to combat local corruption.
  • February 25, 2017: The governor of Al-Buhaira, Eng. Nadia Abdo, confirmed that she will not hesitate to deal firmly with all corruption cases, pointing out that she issued a decision to exclude the director of the Educational Tahrir Administration and a school agent, and to refer 5 employees for investigation as part of facing corruption, because disrupting people's interests and delaying signing their papers is a form of corruption.
  • February 26, 2017: Representative Anisa Hassouna, a member of the House of Representatives, said that she is seeking the approval of female deputies and representatives for the draft law of the Coordinating Body for Combating Corruption, submitted by her and about a third of the members of the Council, as it has now reached its important parliamentary stage, by discussing within the specialized committees.
  • February 26, 2017: Representative Amr El Gohary, Undersecretary of the Economic Committee in the House of Representatives, revealed that he is seeking to form a fact-finding committee on the support system, as he explained that he submitted a request to Dr. Ali Abdel-Al, Speaker of Parliament, signed by 20 parliamentarians, regarding the formation of a fact-finding committee about corruption in the support system. .
  • February 28, 2017:  The recent Menoufia University Council, headed by Dr. Moawad Al-Khouly, President of the University and in the presence of Dr. Hisham Abdel Basit, the Governor of Menoufia, Dr. Ahmed Zaki Badr, the former Minister of Local Development, the Vice-Presidents of the University, the Deans of the Faculties, and Major General Osama Hamed, Head of the Administrative Control Branch in the Governorate, to fight corruption in its various forms Ratification of the approval of the Supreme Council of Universities to present anti-corruption mechanisms by developing a strategic plan to combat it and raise awareness of its dangers.

General features of corruption incidents during February 2017:

First: Distribution of corruption incidents according to sectors:

The previous data indicate that the Ministry of Supply still ranks first among corruption incidents with a score of 17 out of a total of 67 corruption incidents during February 2017, followed by the Ministry of Health with 10 incidents of corruption, then the Ministry of Agriculture with 7 incidents, followed by the local sector with 6 incidents, followed by the Communications Sector And information technology with 5 incidents of corruption, then comes the Ministry of Education, Interior and Finance with 3 incidents for each of them, after that each of the business institutions sector and higher education and trade and industry with two incidents of corruption for each of them, and finally comes both of the Ministry of Justice, Irrigation and Water Resources And endowments, youth, sports, social solidarity, culture and economic bodies, with a total of only one incident out of a total of 67 corruption incidents during the month of February 2017.

Second: Distribution of corruption incidents according to the position of the case:


Previous data indicate that The incidents under investigation came first among corruption incidents during February 2017, as the largest percentage was recorded at 82% out of a total of 67 incidents, followed by the incidents that were judged by 10 %, then the incidents under trial came with a score of 6 %. Ranking last with 2% of total facts.

Third: The distribution of corruption incidents according to the governorates:

Cairo governorate still holds the largest share of corruption incidents during the month of February 2017 due to the concentration of administrative headquarters in it, as it obtained 23 incidents of corruption during February 2017, followed by Giza governorate with 8 incidents, followed by Suez Governorate with 6 incidents, followed by Qalyubia Governorate with 5 incidents. , Then Sharkia governorate 4 incidents, while Beheira governorate got 3 incidents, then Alexandria, Port Said, Damietta, Beni Suef and Gharbia governorate got two incidents of corruption for each of them, while the governorates of Menoufia, Qena, Dakahlia, Minya, Fayoum, Marsa Matrouh, Kafr Sheikh, and Wadi al-Jadid got the last place With a balance of one incident for both of them during the month of February 2017.

Incidents of corruption that were detected during February 2017:

  1. The Supply Directorate in Beheira managed to discover the theft of one million and 615 thousand pounds, after the owners of 7 bakeries penetrated the bread dispensing machines, proved fake data and seized large quantities of fortified flour. (Delegation - 1 February 2017)
  2. Counselor Ali Rizk, Chairman of the Administrative Prosecution Authority, issued a decision to suspend the director of the National Institute of Diabetes and Endocrinology on a mandate from the General Authority for Teaching Hospitals, for what was issued to him regarding violations of wasting public money and financial and administrative corruption at the National Institute of Diabetes and Endocrinology.(Echo Country - 1 February 2017)
  3. The Ministry of Justice decided to refer an advisor in the General Authority for Exhibitions and Conferences to trial after it was proven that he committed gross financial and administrative violations, which was to facilitate the takeover of a company of 160 thousand pounds sterling, which resulted in the waste of public money.(Vito -1 February 2017)
  4. Referring the head of the Maadi neighborhood and the district’s squares official to trial after it was proven that they had granted licenses to establish parking lots in the street in violation of the law.(Vito -2 February 2017)
  5. Removing 43 cases that encroach on 15 acres of agricultural land in Maghagha.Echo Country 2 February 2017)
  6. Removing 6 cases of encroachment on agricultural lands in the Zagazig district.Echo Country- February 2, 2017)
  7. Supply investigations managed to seize 2.5 tons of spoiled meat in Giza. (Vito -3 February 2017)
  8. An employee at a post office in Deyarb Negm, Sharkia Governorate, has been caught unlawfully embezzling 1,000 pounds from clients' money.(Vito-4 February 2017)
  9. A fuel station manager seized 80,000 liters of petrol in the coast. (Vito-4 February 2017)
  10. A supply exchange operator seized 3 tons of sugar in preparation for selling them on the black market in Giza.(Vito-4 February 2017)
  11. The Supreme Disciplinary Court has ruled to punish the Director General of the Ministry of Finance after it was proven that it committed gross financial irregularities that resulted in wasting public money.(Vito-4 February 2017)
  12. A report issued by the Administrative Control uncovered a case of financial and administrative corruption in Cairo governorate that lasted 20 years since 1997 until now, and which resulted in facilitating the seizure of more than 11 million pounds, represented in the violations of renting the "Sea Horse" casino owned by Cairo governorate.(Delegation - 4 February 2017)
  13. The Undersecretary of the Ministry of Agriculture stated that 140 corruption incidents were referred to the Public Prosecution and the Administrative Prosecution, during the recent period, which included cases of waste of public money, serious administrative and financial errors, as well as the unlawful disbursement of subsidized fertilizers, in addition to inspections in violation of the law, regulations and administrative decisions. Referring 11 employees to the disciplinary court, for their involvement in several corruption cases. (Parliament - February 6, 2017)
  14. The Nasr City First Prosecutor is investigating a veterinarian and two of his assistants on charges of monopolizing medicines worth 32 million pounds and selling them on the black market.(Al-Bawaba News-7 February 2017)
  15. The security services arrested an employee at the Suez Post office on charges of seizing 40,000 pounds.(Vito - February 7, 2017)
  16. Referral of 129 accused businessmen to a misdemeanor court in the case known as “the violations of the Ahmed Orabi Association,” for infringing more than 8,000 acres on the Cairo-Ismailia Desert Road, and changing the activity of the land they obtained from agricultural activity to building on it in violation of the law.(Baladna Al-Youm - February 7, 2017)
  17. The General Administration of Public Funds Investigation managed to arrest an employee of the Faculty of Human Medicine, Suez Canal University, accused of exploiting influence and bribery.(Ad-Dustour - February 8, 2017)
  18. The Administrative Control Authority managed to arrest the Director of the Veterinary Department in the Fifth Settlement after she received an amount of 15 thousand pounds as a bribe in exchange for completing the procedures for obtaining licenses to practice the activity from veterinary medicine and not writing records of violations against him ).Administrative Control Authority - 8 February 2017)
  19. Referring the investigation papers of the accusation of businessman Majed Sami Gerges Samikhail, president of Wadi Degla Club, of seizing the funds of the new members of the club to the Supreme Public Funds Prosecution. (Vito - February 9, 2017)
  20. The Administrative Prosecutor decided to refer the head of the center and city of Kafr Saad in Damietta governorate to the Supreme Disciplinary Court, accusing him of changing the truth and reality in a notification of trespassing on agricultural land.(Vito - February 9, 2017)
  21. The Beni Suef Supply Investigator was able to arrest a director in charge of a food security store in the city of Beni Suef for possessing 150 kilos of frozen and chopped rotten, expired, expired and unfit for consumption inside the store, and the seizures were seized.(Ad-Dustour - February 9, 2017)
  22. The Giza Criminal Court ruled that Muhammad Nasr Allam, former Minister of Irrigation, and Ahmed Abdel-Salam Qora, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Egyptian-Kuwaiti Company for Land Reclamation, were sentenced to 7 years imprisonment for accusing them of wasting 37 billion and 126 million pounds of public money and enabling the company to seize 26 thousand feddans in Al-Ayyat and allow it to transfer activity Land from agricultural to urban.(Al-Masry Al-Youm - February 9, 2017)
  23. The Ministry of Endowments formed a committee to inventory the salaries of the employees in the Directorate of Endowments in Sharqia, after receiving a notification regarding the unlawful payment of incentives, which represents a waste of public money.(Day 7 - February 9, 2017)
  24. The Postal Police Department's investigation unit in Damietta Governorate seized 8005 pounds from savings accounts in the office where he worked.(Vito - February 9, 2017)
  25. The Administrative Control Authority collected the warehouses of the Exploration Center for Science and Technology, suspended the director of the center from work, and issued 5 records proving the case of the violations that it had monitored, which represented the waste of 334 million of public money.(Al-Bawaba News - February 10, 2017)
  26. Referring 17 technical engineers and employees of Al Buhaira Traffic to the Public Prosecution Office for receiving bribes.Day 7 - February 11, 2017)
  27. The Administrative Prosecution decided to refer the Director General of Properties in Cairo Governorate to trial after it was proven that he committed financial and administrative violations that resulted in wasting 10 million pounds.(Vito - February 11, 2017)
  28. The manager of a grocery complex was seized in possession of 600 kilos of fortified sugar for the purpose of selling it on the black market. (Day 7 - February 12, 2017)
  29. Referring 4 Bedouins in Dakahlia to the Public Prosecution, closing their shops and revoking their licenses for their disposal in food rations amounting to 5793 kilos of sugar and 4923 bottles of oil in violation and withholding them from citizens. (The seventh day - February 12, 2017)
  30. A fuel station manager seized 1.4 million liters of subsidized petroleum products in Nasr City (Vito-12 February 2017)
  31. The administrative prosecution is conducting investigations with Reda Hegazy, head of the public education sector at the Ministry of Education, as chairman of the board of directors of June 30 schools, after he was accused of covering up the violations of "Noor International" schools in Al Basateen and Dar Al Salam. Responsible for it is the Reserve Committee for the Brotherhood Schools Administration, which is affiliated with the Committee for Inventory and Management of Community Funds.(Vito-12 February 2017)
  32. The Administrative Prosecution referred 8 officials of the Public Authority for Health Insurance to trial on charges of committing serious financial and administrative violations that resulted in wasting public money.(Vito -13 February 2017)
  33. The arrest of a bakery official who seized 28.5 tons of subsidized flour in Cairo for the purpose of selling it on the black market.(Vito - February 14, 2017)
  34. Supply Investigations managed to arrest a manager of a chain of stores in possession of 140 kilos of spoiled meat in Agouza (Vito-14 February 2017)
  35. Referring 4 officials of the General Authority for Cultural Palaces to trial after it is proven that they committed grave financial and administrative violations in the work of demolishing the country house in Kafr El Shurafa Cultural Palace and redevelopment.(Vito - February 14, 2017)
  36. Supply Investigations in Qalyubia arrested two supply-chain workers on charges of seizing subsidized foodstuffs in the governorate.(Vito - February 14, 2017)
  37. The governor of Fayoum decided to suspend 5 officials of the preparatory certificate control from work until the completion of the investigations conducted by the Administrative Prosecution due to the leakage of the results of the first semester of the current year to one of the local sites before the official announcement of the sites of the Directorate of Education and the Governorate.(Vito - February 14, 2017)
  38. Referral of those responsible for the removal of the canal leading to the villages of the local unit in Kafr Mansour in Qalyubia for investigation. Because of the work being carried out against specifications, which is a waste of public money.(Vito-15 February 2017)
  39. The security services of the General Administration of Transport and Communications Police revealed the involvement of a post office agent in Port Said with embezzlement of half a million pounds.(Vito - February 15, 2017)
  40. Referral of the Director General of the Department of Chemistry of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry to trial on charges of wasting public money.(Vito - February 16, 2017)
  41. The Giza Criminal Court acquitted the former chief prosecutor of Al-Haram, Muhammad Abu Al-Hasb, in the case of accusing him and others of burning the storehouse of prosecutions and seizures from the Haram Prosecution.(Al-Ahram - February 16, 2017)
  42. The Administrative Control Authority managed to arrest the customs officer in the village of Cairo Airport Goods, and the Director of the Legal Opinion and Research Department at Port Said Customs, who tried to waste 12 million pounds on the state treasury, representing the value of customs on smuggled goods and the fines due on them.(Delegation - 18 February 2017)
  43. The Administrative Prosecution referred the Canal Company for Ports and Major Projects and a number of leaders to trial after it was proved that they had announced a competition to appoint the children of the company’s employees and not others, in violation of the constitution and the law.(Vito - February 19, 2017)
  44. An information technology official in the Minya Education Directorate seized bribes from those wishing to hire, at the rate of 25,000 pounds per case in exchange for fabricating documents that enable them to be appointed to the Governorate’s Education Directorate.(Day 7 - February 19, 2017)
  45. The owner of a grocery store was seized for seizing subsidized food commodities with 3 tons of sugar before smuggling them to the black market in Mokattam.(Vito-20 February 2017)
  46. The security services of the General Administration of Supply Police have arrested a fuel station official who seized 405,000 liters of petroleum products and sold them on the black market on the tenth of Ramadan.(Vito - February 20, 2017)
  47. The security services in Cairo seized 2 tons of spoiled meat inside a warehouse of a famous ready-meals restaurant before it was cooked and sold to citizens in the Maadi area.(Vito - February 20, 2017)
  48. The Supreme Disciplinary Court ruled to punish the head of the Shorouk City Authority and other officials of the New Cairo City Authority, after it was proven that they committed grave financial and administrative violations that resulted in wasting EGP 1.2 million.(Vito - February 20, 2017)
  49. The Administrative Control Authority in Beheira managed to arrest 4 people while they offered a bribe to the Director of the Engineering Department at Itay Al-Baroud Center to facilitate building licenses on state land.(Day 7 - February 20, 2017)
  50. The agent of the Veterinary Medicine Directorate was seized while receiving 200,000 EGP, as a bribe, to allow entry of cattle infected with foot-and-mouth disease from Libya and blue tongue from the veterinary quarantine in Matrouh.(Day 7 - February 20, 2017)
  51. The head of the Administrative Prosecution Authority issued Decree No. 66 of 2017 to suspend the storekeeper of Basyoun Central Hospital in Gharbia Governorate and the head of the Hospital Procurement Committee for 3 months, in Case No. 215 of 2017, on charges of embezzlement of the consumed custody inside the hospital.(Summary - February 22, 2017)
  52. Counselor Ali Rizk, head of the Administrative Prosecution Authority, ordered the opening of an urgent investigation with the officials of the Health Directorate in Qena for their closure of the Ophthalmology Hospital 3 years ago, claiming development(Summary - February 22, 2017)
  53. The seizure of 66 tons of barley rice in the possession of a merchant, preventing it from circulation, and issuing 48 violations in Kafr El-Sheikh.The seventh day - February 22, 2017)
  54. The assistant of the post office in Tanta was arrested on charges of embezzling 4,000 pounds by extracting a withdrawal receipt and forgery and signatures on it without her knowledge, and by confronting him, he confessed to the incident and paid the amount.The seventh day - February 22, 2017)
  55. The New Valley Security Directorate removed encroachments on 30 acres of land, 5 karats, and 8 stocks that were seized by 4 people and attacked them in agriculture.(Al Wasat - 23 February 2017)
  56. The documents revealed the waste of public money in the exports apparatus at the Ministry of Trade and Industry, represented in the waste of 3.5 million pounds, an annual rent of 2.5 million pounds instead of 900 thousand pounds, and appointments of legal violators with large salaries. (People of Egypt - February 23, 2017)
  57. The Supply Investigations Department managed to seize an official of a miller in the coast before selling 22 tons of subsidized flour to the black market.(Vito -24 February 2017)
  58. The High Disciplinary Court ruled that an excellent banker has been dismissed from service and a bank manager is fined the equivalent of the total wage that he was receiving per month upon the end of his service, and a two-month deduction from the salary of a university employee after it was proven that they had tampered with clients' accounts and seized their deposits.(Vito-25 February 2017)
  59. The Supply Investigation Department managed to seize a ton and a half of subsidized flour before it was sold on the black market in Giza.(Vito-25 February 2017)
  60. The Shubra El-Khaima Prosecution office decided to detain an office manager with pensions and a grocer for 15 days pending investigations, accusing them of seizing 2 million 124 thousand 447 pounds by manipulating the settlements and monthly accounting for the supply shares(The seventh day - February 25, 2017)
  61. The Rawd al-Farag Prosecution office is investigating an employee in the Shubra neighborhood on charges of fraud and appropriating citizens ’funds under the pretext of providing apartments as part of the Long Live Egypt initiative.(Vito - February 26, 2017)
  62. The Supply Investigations Department in the Beni Suef Security Directorate seized 4 tons of flour and fortified sugar and 500 liters of solar energy before it was sold on the black market in Beni Suef(The seventh day - February 26, 2017)
  63. The Administrative Control Authority has arrested 6 of those involved in the attempt to smuggle 30 tons of subsidized medicines through the port of Ain Sukhna in Suez, inside a container for the export of household appliances, including officials of pharmaceutical companies and those responsible for exporting the container abroad, smuggling medicines abroad, and a customs extract in Suez that was seized The night of seizing the container in Ain Sokhna.(Day 7 - February 26, 2017)
  64. Major General Ahmed Mohamed Hamed, Governor of Suez, referred both the Director General of Agriculture and the Director General of Agricultural Properties in the governorate to administrative control after they were found to have colluded in a corruption case with the International Company for Reclamation of Agricultural Land and the failure to collect state funds due from the company, which was estimated at 50 million pounds.(Tahrir - February 26, 2017)
  65. An informed security source stated that Major General Magdy Abdel Ghaffar, Minister of Interior, issued a decision to suspend 10 policemen, including 3 officers, from work in light of the investigations conducted by the Public Prosecution in the case of firearms trafficking in Qalyubia.(Vito-27 February 2017)
  66. A store manager was arrested on charges of trafficking in spoiled food commodities in Alexandria(Vito-27 February 2017)
  67. A number of Tanta University hospitals doctors and citizens demanded Dr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, Minister of Higher Education, to quickly intervene to stop what they called “corruption within the Tanta University hospital system”, after the Al-Hadaf laboratory incident in which 15 doctors submitted a complaint to the Dean of the College of Medicine.(Al-Shorouk - 28 February 2017)



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