Abdel-Hafez denounces the lack of coordination between the international mission organizations

Mona Obaid

The coordinating committee entrusted with receiving the proposals of 20 civil society organizations concerned with following up on the elections denounced the failure of the organizations that make up the so-called "international local mission" to monitor the elections in submitting proposals regarding the organization's work mechanism during the coming period.

The committee announced in a statement today, Sunday, that it has not received any proposal from any of the coalitions or organizations, with the exception of the proposal submitted by the Dialogue Forum coalition, and another proposal from the Partners for Transparency Foundation.

Said Abdel Hafez, the committee's coordinator, said: “This is an expression of a“ lack ”in the seriousness of most of the coalitions of civil society organizations that announced that they will follow the elections, the lack of real ability to follow the electoral process, and no real desire to coordinate and integrate with each other and the organizations The one who participated in the meetings and failed to send proposals to assume her historical responsibility in front of the Egyptian voter ».

He appreciated the members of the Coordination Committee, who signed the statement on the initiative of the joint international local mission, who announced the termination of their membership in the committee because of the ineffectiveness of coordination between the mission on the one hand, and organizations not qualified for this coordination on the other hand, with their full commitment to any coordination steps taken by the mission on its own side.

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