Partners for Transparency: 71 corruption incidents in July

A report issued by Partners for Transparency (PFT) revealed a series of reports of the Corruption Status Book, which covers the period from (1-31) July 2015, on the governmental measures taken during the month of July 2015, that they included the establishment of coordination bodies to combat corruption, but It did not include specific mechanisms to guarantee the efficiency of work within these bodies, and it did not set a time limit for the completion of these bodies from their work.

The report indicated that the month of July 2015 witnessed 71 corruption incidents, 11 of which were in local agencies, 9 in the Ministry of Health, 8 in the petroleum sector, 6 in agriculture and the same in effects, 5 in youth and sports, 4 in Al Dakhiliya, and the rest was distributed to several other sectors at rates ranging Between one and three incidents.

The report added that the number of cases under investigation ranks first among corruption cases this month with a score of 24, and then comes the cases that have not been investigated with a score of 22 incidents, followed by the cases under trial with 19 incidents, and finally the cases that have been judged occupy the last place. There were 6 incidents, which were completed with various penalties.

It is worth noting that the Partners for Transparency Foundation is a non-governmental organization, recognized in accordance with the provisions of Egyptian law, that takes into account independence and neutrality politically and ideologically, and the Foundation works within the framework of helping society to consolidate and implement the values and practices of integrity, transparency and accountability, in order to achieve comprehensive human development and respect for human rights. And the construction of a system of good governance, and it is based in its work on an intellectual and legal framework closely related to the international system for the protection of human rights, the axioms of social development, and the standards of good governance

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