94 corruption incidents in March, of which 95% were subject to litigation

Corruption Status Book

The Twenty-first Report “March 2017”

94 corruption incidents in March, of which 95% were subject to litigation


Within the framework of the “Corruption Status Book” series, “Partners for Transparency” PFT continues to issue monthly reports to monitor and follow up incidents of corruption, and here is the twenty-first report issued by the institution, as it focuses on monitoring and analyzing legislative and procedural developments related to combating corruption, as well as an inventory of facts Which was revealed during the month of March 2017 and classified sectorally, geographically, and judiciary.

The month of March witnessed 94 incidents of corruption that were exposed through the media and the relevant agencies, and for the first time the incidents of corruption in the Ministry of Supply witnessed a relative retreat from last month, despite the ministry’s continued occupation of the top sectors in terms of the number of incidents, while the general sectoral and geographic arrangement of corruption incidents remained in line With what has been prevalent since the beginning of the publication of the Corruption Status Book series, as the sectors of supply, localities, and health are still the most suffering from the bottom of corruption and wasting public money.

Legislative and procedural developments to combat corruption during March 2017:

In March 2017, a number of events and activities were held in some academic institutions, ministries and government agencies in the context of awareness-raising and education related to combating corruption, and there were frequent statements by some officials related to the nature of the general trend and political performance related to fighting corruption and wasting public money, and the following is a list of the most important developments in this regard: -

  • March 1, 2017: The Administrative Control Authority received an official invitation from the Executive Director of the International Cooperation Research Center for those wanted in cases of corruption and asset recovery in the Group of Twenty countries in China, in which he expressed his welcome and aspiration to join the body as a member of the center at the request of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Chinese Communist Party, which confirmed his endeavor The permanent commission to work on preventing and combating corruption, in order to get acquainted with its best practices and successful experiences in this field. He also requested the nomination of a number of members of the commission to join the center as experts in the fields of money recovery and the prosecution of wanted persons in corruption cases.
  • March 2, 2017: Major General Abdel Fattah Tamam, Secretary General of the Red Sea Governorate, on behalf of the Governor of the Red Sea, chaired the monthly meeting of the Anti-Corruption Committee in the Red Sea, which was held at the governorate’s general office in the presence of directors of departments and service directorates in the governorate. The general secretary discussed with the attendees the problem of electricity cables in addition to the problem of sanitation in some areas of the city Hurghada.
  • March 5, 2017: Representative Rifat Dagher, a member of Parliament and the presenter of a bill to amend the Administrative Prosecution Law, said that the aim of the bill is to free the hand of the administrative prosecution to fight corruption, in addition to that the amendment is in accordance with Article 197 of the Constitution.
  • March 5, 2017: Representative Anisa Hassouna, a member of the House of Representatives, said that the Constitutional and Legislative Affairs Committee will start discussing two draft laws submitted by her and others, namely, “the Equality and Anti-Discrimination Commission Law and the Anti-Corruption Coordination Body Law,” without being restricted to waiting for projects submitted by the government. In support of the role of parliamentarians in legislation, she added that the two laws are constitutional entitlements according to the provisions of Articles 53 and 218 of the Constitution.
  • March 5, 2017: The College of Veterinary Medicine in Banha organized a seminar on the university’s plan to combat and combat corruption in light of the national strategy to combat corruption, in the presence of college leaders, a number of faculty members, some students and representatives of the college’s staff. Dr. Jamal Abdel-Rahim Soussa, Director General of University Cities, gave the lecture and discussed the symposium. Types of corruption, its mechanisms, methods of resisting and eliminating it. The symposium also discussed the mechanisms of Benha University in combating financial and administrative corruption and eliminating it on a regular basis.
  • March 6, 2017: Representative Amr Abu Al-Yazid, a member of the House of Representatives, said that Giza Governorate is one of the governorates that suffers most from local corruption, adding that Giza suffers from a lack of services, the absence of localities, and the illegal construction. The parliamentarian stressed that Giza Governorate is famous for the spread of informal settlements.
  • March 6, 2017: The journalist, Abdul Nabi Al-Shahat, deputy editor-in-chief of Al-Gomhoria newspaper, said during the symposium “The Role of the Media in Fighting Corruption” organized by the Nile Media Center in Banha “The availability of political and popular will makes the difference in the face of corruption, indicating that the anti-corruption issue has been traded by many politicians and executives. And they talked about it while corruption was nesting meters away from them, pointing out that the Parliament of 2010 was the straw that divided the camel's back, as it was the icon of the January 25 revolution against corruption and the corrupt, and after the January revolution there are thousands who were appointed to the state’s administrative apparatus with corruption.
  • March 8, 2017: The Supreme Council for Culture held a symposium entitled “Practical procedures, methods and strategies to combat corruption in Egypt,” in which Counselor Adly Hussein, the former governor of Qalyubia, the deputy of the Administrative Control Authority, the head of the Anti-Corruption Coordination Committee, the president of the Sadat Academy, the advisor to the head of the tax authority and the dean of the center participated in the seminar Training at Sadat Academy.
  • March 12, 2017: Dr. Hala Al-Saeed, Minister of Planning, Follow-up and Administrative Reform, commenting on the incident of the procurement manager in the ministry being arrested on charges of bribery: “We take all legal measures against the employee involved, starting with his suspension from work and his submission to investigations and litigation procedures,” stressing that the involvement of a few employees in incidents of corruption should not be To offend 7 million competent government employees.
  • March 12, 2017: Cairo University launched the Anti-Corruption Awareness Week that it holds during the period from 12 to 16 March 2017 under the title “Together We Can Fight Corruption” with the participation of university colleges and units, faculty members, students and university workers, in order to raise awareness against corruption. The President of Cairo University announced prizes worth 10 Thousands of pounds, as an incentive prize for students who create a short anti-corruption film, and design a banner for Cairo University against corruption.
  • March 13, 2017: The House of Representatives ’Plan and Budget Committee headed by Dr. Hussein Issa developed several recommendations to confront the waste of public money in the state’s administrative apparatus. The committee monitored the observations of the Central Auditing Agency and the Ministry of Finance’s responses regarding the continued rise of the gap between the state’s actual uses and resources, which calls for mobilizing the necessary efforts to reduce this gap with further measures. The reformism is also required to take more measures to avoid the defects of the cash basis in proving the accounting operations in the units of the state's administrative apparatus, while working to end the financial entanglements between the units of this apparatus.
  • March 19, 2017: High-level sources revealed that the Administrative Control Authority has sent 6 new reports to the Presidency to view the latest developments in its fight against corruption within the state's administrative apparatus and what has happened during the monitoring campaigns launched by the authority under the supervision of Major General Muhammad Irfan on markets, hospitals, agricultural societies, silos, wheat shawn, and fuel stations And drinking water and sanitation, as well as many crimes of bribery and embezzlement, as reports indicated that 42 bribery cases worth 105 million were seized, and 175 campaigns were organized against consumer complexes, 64 hospitals and 36 wheat silos.
  • March 21, 2017: Dr. Salah Hassaballah, a member of the House of Representatives, requested that the briefing request submitted by Representative Atef Abdel Jawad from Beni Suef city regarding the existence of irregularities and waste of public money in the Adli Mansour Corridor project be transferred to an interrogation of the Minister of Local Development or to transfer the whole matter to the Public Prosecution for investigation.
  • March 21, 2017: Counselor Ali Rizk, head of the Administrative Prosecution Authority, confirmed that the authority returned 325 million pounds within one year, adding, "We returned 2 billion pounds to the railway authority after controlling incidents of corruption in it and we uncovered millions of pounds of food corruption and sexual assaults on children." All reports submitted by citizens, in order to achieve justice and no one is above the law, indicating that members of society are equal before the law and do not differentiate between citizens.
  • March 22, 2017: The Specialized Courts Sector at the Ministry of Justice, headed by Counselor Ahmed Khairy, Assistant Minister of Justice for Specialized Courts Affairs, and organized by Judge Hanan Dahroug, member of the Sector's Technical Office, held a training course for economic court judges in the field of the stock market. The course aimed to develop a specialized program that includes topics related to the legal framework for the capital market. The life cycle of a security, explaining some specialized concepts in this field, the most important forms of manipulation in the stock market and the specificity of criminal procedures in facing it, financial market disputes, and the role of technical expertise in them.
  • March 26, 2017: Ahmed Abdel Hadi, a spokesman for the "Metro" company, said that whoever has documents proving corruption within the company should refer them to the supervisory authorities or the Attorney General and not the media, and for his part, Rifaat Arafat, head of the Independent Union of Metro Workers, commented during his dialogue with the journalist Wael Al-Ibrashi in a program “Ten in the evening” that he had already filed a report with the Attorney General with a file containing 7 corruption cases, indicating that he had been transferred from the company at the time of his investigation.
  • March 27, 2017: Major General Adel Zaki, Assistant Minister of Interior for Traffic confirmed that the salaries of officers working in the General Traffic Department have doubled in the past period, continuing: “But regardless of the salary, little or much, the corrupt remains corrupt, and the ministry is firmly facing corruption that may reach dismissal, even if it is caught. The officer takes bribes during his work, he is transferred to investigation, and within a month he is referred to the reserve.
  • March 29, 2017 The inauguration of the community accountability committees for the Takaful and Dignity program in Assiut governorate, in the presence of Dr. Belkis Hagras, in charge of the community accountability component of the Takaful and Karama program at the Ministry of Social Solidarity, Dr. Olfat Al-Salami, the media advisor and the official spokesperson of the Ministry of Social Solidarity, and Mohamed Fouad, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Social Solidarity in Assiut, with the participation of 22 trainers and public service personnel who participated in Administrative services during the training of the community accountability committees for the Takaful and Karama program.
  • March 30, 2017: The latest report issued by the Central Administration for Land Protection of the Agricultural Services Sector, on the encroachment on fertile agricultural lands in the valley and the delta, whether by building, razing and grazing, revealed that the violations of violations from the January Revolution until the 26th of March 2017 amounted to one million 677 thousand and 428 cases on an area of 74 land. One thousand and 624 acres, and the inventory is being conducted by the conservation committees on the agricultural land.
  • March 31, 2017The Central Administration of the Educational Leadership Development Center, in cooperation with the Administrative Control Authority, organized a training program under the title “Anti-Corruption Strategy” for some leading cadres in the ministry and educational directorates. The training course dealt with the field of publishing procedures for values of integrity and transparency and awareness of the dangers of corruption, ways to prevent it and its negative effects on the whole society .
  • March 31, 2017: Mohamed Fouad, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Social Solidarity in Assiut, said that the Social Solidarity Directorate in Assiut has stopped paying solidarity and dignity pensions to 35,000 citizens in Assiut governorate who are not eligible for the pension payment. A thousand cards were permanently suspended after it was proven that they are not entitled to the pension, and the surprise was that 1000 of them were government employees who tampered with the documents and papers to obtain a solidarity and dignity pension without a right.

General features of corruption incidents during the month of March 2017:

First: Distribution of corruption incidents according to sectors:

Previous data indicate that the Ministry of Supply still ranks first among corruption incidents with a score of 16 out of a total of 94 corruption incidents during the month of March 2017, which is generally lower than last month, followed by the Ministry of Health with 9 incidents of corruption, then comes the local sector, and the Ministry of Finance , And housing with 8 incidents for each of them, then the Ministry of Agriculture comes with 7 incidents, followed by the Communications and Information Technology Sector, the Ministry of Education, and the Interior with 4 incidents of corruption for each of them, then comes the Ministry of Social Solidarity and Petroleum with 3 incidents for each Then there are the Ministry of Endowments, Electricity, Investment, and Antiquities with two incidents of corruption for each of them, and finally there are the Ministry of Higher Education, Trade and Industry, Justice, Irrigation and Water Resources, Youth and Sports, Culture, the Private Sector, and The Ministry of Planning and Administrative Reform, Environment, Transport, Information, and the Presidency of the Council of Ministers recorded only one incident out of a total of 94 corruption incidents during the month of March 2017.

Second: Distribution of corruption incidents according to the position of the case:

Previous data indicates that still The incidents under investigation came first among the corruption incidents during the month of March 2017, where the largest percentage was recorded at 74% out of a total of 94 incidents, followed by the incidents under trial with a score of 12%, then came the facts that were judged by 9 %, the incidents that were not investigated came in Ranked last with 5% of total facts.

Third: The distribution of corruption incidents according to the governorates:


Cairo governorate still acquired the largest share of corruption incidents during the month of March 2017 due to the concentration of administrative headquarters in it, as it obtained 33 incidents of corruption during March 2017, followed by Giza governorate with 7 incidents, followed by Beheira and Alexandria with 5 incidents for each of them, then Menoufia, Minya and Assiut governorates each came with 4 incidents for each of them, then each of Qalyubia, Sharqia, Damietta, Dakahlia, Kafr El Sheikh and Red Sea governorates had 3 incidents for each of them, then Gharbia, Qena, Ismailia, and South Sinai each had two incidents of corruption for each of them. , While the governorate of Suez, Beni Suef, Marsa Matrouh, New Valley, Luxor and Aswan ranked last, with one incident score for each of them during the month of March 2017.

Incidents of corruption that were detected during March 2017:

  1. The Administrative Control Authority announced the seizure of the engineering consultant engineer for the Cooperative Federation of Housing Societies, after he received a sum of 1.8 million pounds as a bribe in exchange for approving the implementation of projects of housing associations for workers in the air navigation and workers in the tourist villages in Hurghada and the applied.(Al-Masry Al-Youm - 1 March 2017)
  2. The officers of the Administrative Control Authority in Assiut, in cooperation with officials of the Social Insurance Authority, arrested a security employee in the Dairout Center Insurance Zone for manipulating the pensions of the deceased, within 8 months, and earning an amount in excess of 700 thousand pounds.(7th day -1 March 2017)
  3. The Supply Police managed to seize 400 thousand liters of subsidized gasoline and diesel before it was sold on the black market(7th day -1 March 2017)
  4. The arrest of a lawyer in a private company while offering a financial bribe of 5,000 pounds to an inspector at the Ministry of Manpower at the Transit Office in Qalyubia Governorate, in exchange for not filing a report of labor violations in a heavy transport manufacturing company.Day 7 - 2 March 2017)
  5. The Cairo Criminal Court, in the presence of the head of the security department in the General Office of Cairo Governorate, has sentenced the head of the security department at the General Office of Cairo Governorate to 10 years in prison for receiving 50 thousand pounds as a bribe from a citizen .(Administrative Control Authority - 2 March 2017)
  6. Giza Criminal Court has sentenced an assistant general manager at the General Administration for Catering for Ships and Aircraft in Misr Petroleum Company to 7 years imprisonment, a fine of 1,000 pounds and confiscation of the bribe amount. .(Administrative Control Authority - 2 March 2017)
  7. The North Minya Prosecutor decided to imprison a technical engineer by traffic accusation of profiting from his job and obtaining a financial bribe for tampering with the papers of a transport vehicle and ending its licensing procedures.(Vito - March 4, 2017)
  8. Referring the head of the legal sector at North Cairo Electricity Distribution Company and two of his assistants to trial after it was proven that they committed financial and administrative violations that resulted in wasting public money.(Vito - 4 March 2017)
  9. A report by the Central Auditing Organization revealed several financial and administrative irregularities at the University of Tanta, including the acceptance by the General Hospital of modern medical devices in committees, mock examination records, and inside shipped boxes, disassembled devices, and before installation and technical operation to ensure their validity and conformity to the previously established specifications in violation of the law, and as many as could be counted, including 124 million 128 thousand and 87 EGP in the form of purchases, and the disbursement of amounts exceeding 75% from the total supply orders without legal basis, and to facilitate the disbursement of the amounts without any guarantees that preserve the rights of the state budget.(Alt - March 4, 2017)
  10. Authority officers in Cairo managed to arrest the assistant of the head of the Heliopolis district, after he received 10 thousand pounds as a bribe from the lawyer of a company that owns a group of restaurants, in exchange for informing it in advance of the date of the surprise campaigns to implement the clearances in the neighborhood, and helping it recover movables that were confiscated from them in previous campaigns.(People of Egypt - March 5, 2017)
  11. Imprisonment of a one-year employee with labor on charges of forgery in official documents by forging the state seal to obtain building permits.(Vito - March 6, 2017)
  12. The Supreme Disciplinary Court ruled to punish instructors for the Arabic language at the Belqas Educational Administration in Dakahlia for manipulating teachers' assignments between stages and schools.(Vito - March 6, 2017)
  13. A judicial report of the Administrative Prosecution revealed that the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Agriculture in Kafr El-Sheikh was involved in taking a bribe in foreign currency through one of his assistants from a businessman, in exchange for the speedy completion of the procedures for dividing his own land and issuing a license to establish a fuel station on it.(Day 7 - March 6, 2017)
  14. Security forces managed to catch an employee of Alexandria Post who embezzled 80,000 pounds from a client's money.(Vito - March 6, 2017)
  15. The Administrative Control Authority seized both the head of the obstetrics and gynecology department at the Women's and Children's Hospital at Minia University and the store keeper in the same hospital for facilitating the seizure of a pharmaceutical, medical and chemical company on public money with a value of 940 thousand pounds (Administrative Control Authority - March 6, 2017)
  16. The Supply Investigation Department managed to find a fuel station official in Nasr City who sold 45,000 liters of petroleum products to the black market.(Day 7 - March 7, 2017)
  17. Public Funds Investigation officers managed to arrest the head of the infringement department in Dafsho, for tampering with 37 reports based on agricultural lands in Kafr El Dawar. (Day 7 - March 6, 2017)
  18. Supply Investigations managed to arrest 10 bakery owners for seizing 12,000 loaves of bread in the Monufia campaign. (Day 7 - March 6, 2017)
  19. The arrest of two employees for their collusion with the owner of a plot of land in Al-Musky and their approval of the supervision certificate from the engineer supervising the implementation, in violation of the statement of the issued licenses, and the failure to issue records of building violations for his annexation of the property to another neighboring.(Day 7 - March 7, 2017)
  20. The Administrative Control Authority seized both the doctor of the head of the obstetrics and gynecology department at the Women and Children Hospital at the University of Minya and the store keeper in the same hospital for facilitating the seizure of a pharmaceutical, medical and chemical company on public money with a value of 940 thousand pounds (Republic Online - March 7, 2017)
  21. The Police Department's Investigations Unit in Kafr El-Sheikh Governorate managed to control the assistance of a post office that seized 3 thousand of the money of a client.(Vito-7 March 2017)
  22. Supply Investigations managed to seize 4 tons of sugar and fortified oil before they were sold on the black market in Giza.(Vito - 8 March 2017)
  23. The Public Prosecution is investigating a housing manager in the Asmarat neighborhood and an employee in a contracting company for allegedly colluding with the second in facilitating his seizure of an apartment for his deceased mother through forgery.(Vito - 8 March 2017)
  24. The head of the Administrative Prosecution Authority referred an agricultural engineer at the Agricultural Quarantine Department in Damietta Port and a member of the committee formed to examine a wheat consignment in the country of origin France from the Central Administration of Agricultural Quarantine for disciplinary trial.(Vito - March 11, 2017)
  25. The Administrative Control Authority managed to arrest the procurement manager at the Ministry of Planning after he received 1.3 million pounds as a bribe from one of the companies supplying computers, electronic equipment and cables to the Ministry of Planning.(Masrawy - March 11, 2017)
  26. The Supreme Disciplinary Court ruled to punish the principal of one of the primary schools in Kafr El Sheikh and 4 teachers after it was proven that they committed the crimes of seizing public funds, embezzlement, and forging procurement documents.(Vito-12 March 2017)
  27. The Caliph’s Prosecution decided to detain a muezzin and 2 others for 4 days pending investigations, in the incident of stealing artifacts from the Imam al-Shafi’i Mosque, after the Antiquities Investigation and the Ministry of Endowments inquiries about the incident.(Day 7 - March 12, 2017)
  28. The head of the Administrative Prosecution Authority referred each of the treasury teller at the Bayadeya Village Bank in Luxor for Development and Agricultural Credit and “the director of the Bayadiya Village Bank for Development and Agricultural Credit, for disciplinary trial for embezzling 700,000 pounds from clients’ accounts. (Day 7 - March 12, 2017)
  29. The Traffic Investigations Department in Menoufia managed to arrest a police sergeant from the Quesna Center force, for ending the licenses for citizens for a fee and making profit from it, taking advantage of his previous work in the Traffic Department(Day 7 - March 12, 2017)
  30. The Supply Investigations Department managed to arrest a supply official accused of disposing of 19,000 tons of subsidized flour in Sharkia (Day 7 - March 12, 2017)
  31. Administrative control officers managed to control the director general of small projects in a bank, and others took 2 million pounds as a bribe, in exchange for granting and allocating loans based on false documents.(Day 7 - March 12, 2017)
  32. The opposition judge at the Misdemeanor City Court of Nasr City decided to renew the detention of two employees with real estate taxes on the grounds of accusing them of receiving a financial bribe from shop owners in exchange for reducing the value of the taxes owed by them, 15 days pending investigation.(Vito-12 March 2017)
  33. The Central Auditing Organization asked Al-Ahly Club management to clarify a number of financial irregularities that were included in the 2014 and 2015 budget and the waste of public money that it witnessed during the current council’s era under the leadership of Mahmoud Taher, who assumed his position in the Red Castle in March 2014.(Portal Sport - March 13, 2017)
  34. The owner of a baladi bakery in Amiriya was arrested on charges of tampering with the quantities of flour disbursed to the bakery by the milling company and selling it on the black market.(Vito -13 March 2017)
  35. The Administrative Control Authority was able to control the inspector of Imbaba antiquities to take 1,150 million pounds for bribes from taking a hand on a 61-acre plot of land worth 280 million pounds owned by the Agricultural Reform Authority in exchange for excluding it from the supervision of the Ministry of Antiquities and preparing a report that it was free of archaeological evidence .(Administrative Control Authority - March 13, 2017)
  36. The Supply Investigations Department in Qalyubia managed to arrest a bakery owner for selling his share of subsidized municipal flour to black market merchants, in order to achieve profits that amounted to 200 thousand pounds.(Vito -13 March 2017)
  37. A report issued by the Petroleum Sector Accounts Supervision Department of the Central Auditing Organization of Petrojet and its financial irregularities during 2015/2016 revealed that the report prepared during 2016 revealed grave financial irregularities that exceeded 190 million pounds and 16 million dollars..(Al-Naba - March 13, 2017)
  38. The Administrative Control Authority managed to arrest the head of the real estate tax office in the city of Hammam in Marsa Matrouh and the tax officer in the same office, for taking 16,000 pounds as a bribe from a lawyer in exchange for a real estate tax certificate..(Day 7 - March 14, 2017)
  39. The Administrative Control Authority managed to catch a general manager and another in the Sales Department at the General Authority for Government Services who took 20 thousand pounds as a bribe in exchange for enabling a dealer to buy cars in an auction for less than their actual value.(Administrative Control Authority - March 14, 2017)
  40. The Public Defender of the Supreme Public Funds Prosecution ordered that Hazem Al-Qawidi, the former governor of Helwan, be imprisoned for a period of 15 days pending investigations, after he failed to pay the amount of the financial guarantee set by the prosecution (2 million pounds) to release him in the case of accusing him and another person of taking a bribe in exchange for facilitating the seizure of A piece of state property(Day 7 - March 15, 2017)
  41. Documents revealed that employees and officials of the social affairs units opened us with the use of the passwords and the solidarity pension visas for women who have been approved to spend the value of their pensions and inform the citizens of the late arrival of their pensions from the ministry. The administrative prosecution in Qena investigates the incident after transferring 26 visas that were tampered with for legal affairs in the Social Solidarity Directorate in Qena (Our Freedom - March 15, 2017)
  42. An employee at Banque du Caire, accused of forging his university degree and having received salaries for 7 years, amounting to 3 and a half million, presented to the forensic doctor for a statement that his plan matches the data in the forged certificate.(The seventh day - March 16, 2017)
  43. The security services were able to remove 40 cases of encroachment on the Nile River and agricultural lands in a security campaign in Qena. (Day 7 - March 16, 2017)
  44. The seizure of 26 tons of subsidized municipal flour before being sold on the black market and 5 tons of spoiled milk in Beni Suef. (Day 7 - March 16, 2017)
  45. The Supply Investigation Department managed to seize one million liters of subsidized gasoline before it was sold on the black market. (News portal - March 16, 2017)
  46. The Dokki Prosecution ordered two employees of the Egyptian Endowments Authority to be imprisoned for 4 days pending investigations, accusing them of abusing their job in facilitating a citizen obtaining a service from the authority in exchange for a bribe. (Day 7 - March 16, 2017)
  47. The referral of the pharmacist in Bahr Al Baqar Hospital 2 Integrated and the Pharmacist Inspection at Al Hussainiah Health Department for investigation by legal affairs after a visit by a committee of administrative control and the detection of corruption and neglect in the hospital and the spoilage of medicines.(Day 7 - March 16, 2017)
  48. 700 kilos of subsidized agricultural fertilizers were seized in a shop in the lake before they were sold on the black market .(Day 7 - March 17, 2017)
  49. The Helwan Prosecution decided to refer a police secretary at Al Maasara Police Department to urgent criminal trial, after he was accused of receiving a bribe from a broker to stop the execution of a judicial ruling issued for his imprisonment..(Day 7 - March 18, 2017)
  50. The Supply Investigation Department managed to seize a fuel station official who seized 40,000 liters of solar energy in Belbeis . (Al-Bawaba News - 18 March 2017)
  51. The opposition judge at the Misdemeanor Court of Nasr City decided to renew the imprisonment of an employee who forged his certificate of appointment with a bank and paid 3.5 million pounds in 7 years.(Day 7 - March 18, 2017)
  52. The Damietta Prosecution Office decided to renew the imprisonment of a technician in the Electricity Investigation Department on charges of taking a bribe worth 15,000 pounds(The seventh day - March 18, 2017)
  53. The Supply Investigations in Ismailia managed to seize 137 kilograms of processed meat and poultry that are not suitable for human consumption.(Delegation - 19 March 2017)
  54. Informed sources confirmed that the Administrative Control Authority arrested one of the employees of the Reform Department at the Ministry of Agriculture in his office for his involvement in a corruption case.(Day 7 - March 19, 2017)
  55. The Cairo Criminal Court postponed the trial of a consultant neurosurgeon at the Nasser Institute in the case of accusing him of taking a sum of money as a bribe from the sister of a patient in exchange for setting an urgent appointment for a brain tumor removal surgery for her brother for the June 18 hearing to hear the witnesses(Day 7 - March 19, 2017)
  56. Enas Abdel Halim, a member of the House of Representatives, made an urgent statement regarding incidents of corruption in the Ministry of Higher Education, and revealed that the Cultural Development and Missions Sector at the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research is witnessing wholesale violations of ministerial decisions related to preventing employees working in the ministry from participating in cultural missions in Egyptian embassies abroad more than once. Which is limited to media owners and children of the ministry’s leaders, and it stated that the estimates regarding spending on these missions amount to 150 thousand dollars per month, which is equivalent to 30 million pounds.(Voice of the Free Christian-19 March 2017)
  57. Referring 7 engineers in the General Authority for Construction and Housing Cooperatives to trial after they were proven negligent in overseeing the construction of 20 residential buildings in Badr City, which resulted in completing construction operations in violation of engineering specifications and damaging public money.(Vito-20 March 2017)
  58. Arresting an employee at Kafr El Dawar Post Office, accused of seizing EGP 1161 from pension accounts.(Vito-20 March 2017)
  59. A bakery owner seized 31 ration cards to seize the support money.(Day 7 - March 20, 2017)
  60. The arrest of a warehouse owner who seized 21,000 gas cooker cylinders and sold them on the black market in Al Marj.(Vito-20 March 2017)
  61. Supply Investigation officers in Alexandria managed to seize a merchant who collected 4 tons and 400 kg of subsidized flour for the purpose of selling it on the black market at more than its price..(News portal - March 21, 2017)
  62. The Supply Investigation Department managed to seize a bakery owner who seized 6 tons of subsidized flour in the lake .(Al-Bawaba News - 21 March 2017)
  63. The Postal Investigations arrested an employee in Alexandria Post who embezzled 100 thousand pounds from the account of one of the clients without any right, and the prosecution was notified to take the necessary measures towards the incident.(News portal - March 21, 2017)
  64. The Supreme Disciplinary Court ruled to punish the CEO of the Environmental Affairs Agency and 4 other officials in Aswan Governorate after it was proven that they committed grave financial and administrative violations and tampered with obtaining a cement factory license.(Vito - March 22, 2017)
  65. The Central Auditing Organization addressed a question to the Managing Director for Financial and Administrative Affairs regarding the announcement by the “Al-Ahram Consumer Complexes” company affiliated with the “Holding Company for Food Industries” to establish the first commercial center in the Katameya area in New Cairo on an area of 6 thousand meters with an investment of 30 million pounds, which did not happen in The specified period is two years and causes 6 million pounds to be wasted.(News portal - March 22, 2017)
  66. The Administrative Control Authority seized the executive supervisor of the projects of the National Authority for Drinking Water and Sewerage for the deprived areas in South Sinai after receiving 10 thousand pounds as a monthly payment in exchange for the approval of the inventory minutes of the company in preparation for receiving the project.(Day 7 - March 22, 2017)
  67. The Administrative Control Authority managed to control a network consisting of the Director of the Housing Department in the Old Cairo neighborhood and 6 brokers who seized 500 housing units valued at 15 million pounds in the two social housing projects, and the Long Live Egypt Fund in “Asmarat and Badr” by allocating them to the unworthy in exchange for financial bribes of about 50 thousand pounds for the apartment. .(Day 7 - March 22, 2017)
  68. A complaint has been submitted to the first attorney general for the Alexandria Appeals Prosecution Attorneys General accusing “Hussein Jamil Al-Hermel” in his capacity as Chairman and Managing Director of Cairo Ferry and Maritime Transport Company of wasting public money.(Constitution - March 22, 2017)
  69. The documents revealed the accusation of a landowner to the “Abu Tij City” council of failing to implement a final decision to remove a building in violation of Assiut, as the specialized employees were referred to the Administrative Prosecution and a report was drawn up for the second round, along with an infringement by the local unit’s employees against a citizen to threaten him not to demand the implementation of the removal decisions, as I mentioned. . (Baladna Al-Youm - March 22, 2017)
  70. The Administrative Control Authority was able to control the Director of Projects Department in the Cultural Development Fund of the Ministry of Culture after receiving 45 thousand pounds as a bribe from the contracting company implementing the project to establish and furnish the Paris Library in the New Valley Governorate, whose cost amounts to 2.7 million pounds in exchange for facilitating the disbursement of the final extract for the company's work in preparation for To receive the project(Administrative Control Authority - 23 March 2017)
  71. The Administrative Control Authority seizes the executive supervisor of the projects of the National Authority for Drinking Water and Sanitation for the deprived areas in South Sinai after receiving 10 thousand pounds as a monthly payment from the company implementing the sewage station in the city of Al-Tour in South Sinai in exchange for the approval of the inventory minutes of the company in preparation for receiving the project .(Administrative Control Authority - March 23, 2017)
  72. The head of the Administrative Prosecution Authority has ordered the speedy dismissal of disciplinary responsibilities related to the incident of stealing medicines from Tala Central Hospitals and the Central Martyrs.(Day 7 - March 23, 2017)
  73. The Administrative Prosecution Authority has received a complaint from the Director of the Central Administrative Inspection Department of the Federation Sectors in Greater Cairo, against the Secretary General of Maspero and the Head of the Central Administration for Financial and Administrative Affairs for unjustly disbursing salaries to workers, which is a waste of public money .(Vito -24 March 2017)
  74. Circuit 17 of the Cairo Criminal Court is examining the first hearing in the trial of the former Minister of Health's advisor and an employee on their accusations of receiving 4 million pounds bribes(The seventh day - March 25, 2017)
  75. The Prosecutor of October 1st received the report of the radio and television experts about the recordings that were taken by the men of the administrative authority of the head of the distinguished neighborhood in 6th of October City for the fact that he was accused of requesting a bribe from an Egyptian businessman holding Canadian citizenship in order to overlook the issuance of building violations of real estate in violation of him.(Day 7 - March 25, 2017)
  76. The Public Funds Prosecution is conducting extensive investigations with officials at the Ministry of Irrigation and Water Resources and the Public Authority for Fisheries Development, Lake Mariout, for accusing them of facilitating others to seize large areas of the lake.(Al-Wafd - March 25, 2017)
  77. The opposition judge at North Cairo Court decided to renew the detention of the chief expert at the Ministry of Justice, who is accused of taking a 350,000 EGP bribe from a contractor for 45 days pending investigations.(Vito - March 26, 2017)
  78. The Ministry of Justice decided to refer the Director General of Cases and Fatwas in the Executive Authority of Industrial and Mining Projects of the Ministry of Industry for trial.(Vito - March 26, 2017)
  79. The arrest of 3 employees in the social affairs and post office in Assiut on charges of seizing funds from citizens of the Takaful and Dignity project.(Vito - March 26, 2017)
  80. The removal of 35 cases of encroachment on agricultural lands and lands of state property, in addition to removing occupancies in the center's streets.(Vito-27 March 2017)
  81. Referring the Director of the Education Directorate in Assiut Governorate to trial, after it was proven that he had tampered with leadership competitions and wasted public money.(Day 7 - March 27, 2017)
  82. A report prepared by the Culture, Media and Antiquities Committee of the House of Representatives for visiting the archaeological areas of Nubia revealed that the Fund for the Rescue of the Antiquities of Nubia, which receives grants and donations and allocates funds from the state budget, does not spend a single pound on the antiquities of Nubia for which the fund is allocated, and the fund is based in Cairo and operates in a central way .(Echo Country - March 27, 2017)
  83. By referring an employee in the accounting unit at the Red Sea Security Directorate to disciplinary trial for his participation with a police officer in forging employee payroll and seizing EGP 314,000.(Day 7 - March 27, 2017)
  84. The Public Funds Investigation Department in the central delta arrested a leader in the Mahalla spinning company on charges of profiting and wasting public money, and it was referred to the prosecution, which took over the investigation..(Al-Wafd-27 March 2017)
  85. Supply Investigations managed to seize a warehouse for filling gas cylinders for manipulating weights in Damietta (Day 7 - March 28, 2017)
  86. The Administrative Control Authority managed to arrest the head of the planning department in the center and city of Kafr El Sheikh, for receiving a financial bribe of 190 thousand pounds in return for not issuing a violation for a contractor who violated the building on a public street(Day 7 - March 28, 2017)
  87. Baraka Al Sabaa Investigations in the Menoufia Security Directorate managed to arrest the Director of Urban Planning and others in the Baraka Al Sabaa City Council, on charges of forgery and tampering with official papers. A report of the incident was issued and the prosecution was notified to conduct investigations(Day 7 - March 28, 2017)
  88. The Administrative Control Authority managed to seize a tax officer in the Free Professions Commission after he received 35 thousand pounds as a bribe from a doctor in exchange for reducing the taxes owed by him for practicing the profession from 300 thousand pounds to 30 thousand pounds.(Echo Country - March 28, 2017)
  89. The Administrative Control Authority arrested the custodian of the custody stores at the Mental Health Hospital in Abbasiya after he received 4,000 pounds as a bribe from a scrap dealer in exchange for facilitating the sale of his custody estimated at 50,000 pounds.(Day 7 - March 28, 2017)
  90. The Judicial Disciplinary Committee issued a decision to deduct one month from the salary of a customs officer in Safaga for causing the loss of customs dues on the state, valued at EGP 16923. (The seventh day - 29 March 2017)
  91. The Supreme Disciplinary Court sentenced the president of the city of Mallawi and the head of the organization department and acquitted 4 others in Minya governorate of charges of committing financial and administrative violations.(Vito - 30 March 2017)
  92. The Cairo Criminal Court is reviewing the trial of 37 accused of “seizing the funds of the National Council for the Care of the Wounded and Families of the January Revolution Martyrs.”Vito - 30 March 2017)
  93. The Administrative Control Authority managed to arrest the General Director of Occupational Safety at the Petroleum Cooperation in Suez, for taking a bribe of 240,000 pounds in return for appointing a number of graduates in the company.(Day 7 - March 30, 2017)
  94. Supply investigations managed to seize 26 kilos of spoiled meat inside a restaurant in Ismailia. (Day 7 - March 31, 2017)


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