Partners for Transparency recommend international legal standards to protect whistleblowers

Partners for Transparency Foundation issued a report evaluating the role assigned to civil society organizations in light of the decisions issued by the tenth session of the Conference of the States Parties to the United Nations Convention against Corruption, which was held in Atlanta, Georgia, during the period 11-15 December 2023. The report comes on the sidelines of “Partners’” follow-up to the work of the fifteenth resumed first session of the Implementation Review Group, during the period 28 August - 6 September 2024.

The report indicated that the very limited role of civil society organizations in the formulation and adoption of decisions of the Conference of the States Parties cannot be accepted, as they are not allowed to monitor the negotiations, or participate effectively in the work of the subsidiary bodies of the Conference, especially the meetings of the Implementation Review Group.

In this context, Partners for Transparency emphasizes the importance of establishing funding mechanisms and training programs to enable NGOs and civil society organizations to independently monitor and report on corruption, while ensuring that their findings are integrated into national anti-corruption strategies, in addition to adopting international legal standards that protect anti-corruption activists and NGOs from harassment, legal retaliation and violence, enabling them to operate freely and safely.



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