Partners for Transparency forms committees to monitor candidates' performance

Haitham Saeed

Walaa Jad Al-Karim, head of the "Partners for Transparency" Foundation, confirmed that the Foundation has allocated 5 committees at the level of 5 departments in the governorates of Cairo, Alexandria, Dakahlia, Port Said, and Fayoum, and each committee is composed of a financial analyst, an advertising specialist, and a human rights activist, assisted by a number of Field Followers.
"Jad Al-Karim" added in a special statement to "Arab News" that the tasks of each committee are summarized in analyzing and classifying information on the financial spending of each candidate in the House of Representatives elections, in addition to conducting interviews with candidates and their election campaign managers, campaign finance officials, as well as making a form Specific to each candidate, it contains all the information related to financing, and the candidate’s financial spending, and is re-analyzed by the central committee at the institution’s headquarters to write the final report.


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