Partners for Transparency monitored 67 corruption incidents during February 2017

the Constitution

Muhammad Sharif

Partners for Transparency issued its monthly report No. 20, which covers the month of February 20177, and includes a review and analysis of legislative and procedural developments related to combating corruption, as well as the facts that were disclosed during the past month and their distribution by sector and geography.

Dr. Walaa Jad Al-Karim, Secretary-General of the Foundation, said that the month of February 2017 witnessed 67 {[5]} corruption that was exposed through the relevant agencies and the media, indicating that the report monitored the continuation of discussions in Parliament about the Local Administration Law on which many people depend on Providing a legal framework that strengthens collective oversight and limits corruption in local authority institutions.

"Jad Al-Karim" added that ambiguity still surrounds the course of the final draft of the law, which is supposed to be referred by the Local Administration Committee for discussion in public sessions, explaining that the proposal made by Representative Anisa Hassouna to establish a coordinating body to combat corruption has not yet taken its legislative path despite the urgent need. Its establishment, especially as it will play a pivotal role in coordinating anti-corruption policies and reinforce integration between the various regulatory bodies.

The report indicated that the Ministry of Supply witnessed the highest number of corruption incidents during the month of February 2017 with a score of 17, followed by the Ministry of Health with a score of 100 incidents of corruption, then the Ministry of Agriculture with a score of 7 incidents, then the local sector with 66 incidents, followed by the Communications and Information Technology Sector with 5 incidents of corruption. .

Geographically, Cairo governorate was the highest in terms of corruption incidents that it witnessed with 23 incidents, followed by Giza governorate with 8 incidents, then Suez governorate with 6 incidents, followed by Qalyubia governorate with 5 incidents, then Sharkia governorate with 4 incidents.

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