The referral of two employees in Suez for administrative control in an incident of corruption worth 50 million pounds


Sally Sanad February 26, 2017

Major General Ahmed Mohamed Hamed, Governor of Suez, referred both of: the Director General of Agriculture and the Director General of Agricultural Properties in the governorate to administrative control after their complicity in a corruption case with the International Company for Reclamation of Agricultural Land and the failure to collect state funds due from the company, which was estimated at 50 million pounds, also referred a file The entire case of the company's corruption for the administrative control to investigate the company's violations and debts and its unlawful acquisition of state lands. The events of the incident, after receiving information and documents for the Suez Governorate Court, are due to the “International Company for Agricultural Reclamation” in the Shlofa area of the Al-Janayen district of the rural sector in Suez, taking over 5,000 acres of state land and not committing to paying the back dues to the governorate, which were estimated at 50 million pounds. However, with the Suez Governor investigating the matter, it was discovered that two of the Agriculture Directorate, namely the Director General of Agriculture and the Director General of Agricultural Properties in the governorate were involved in the corruption case by covering up the company's business and not obliging them to pay state dues and wasting public money. It was also found that the international company does not have any title to the usurped land, and it did not obtain any approvals or permission to build on the land that was bulldozed by the company’s board of directors, which contradicts Ministerial Resolution No. 1836 of 2011 Article of the first, which states “prohibiting the establishment of any Buildings or facilities on agricultural lands outside the approved urban settlements for villages and cities or areas that do not have an approved general strategic plan. The company also violated Article 2 of the Ministerial Resolution, which requires that the buildings be 2% from the total area owned by the applicant with a formal title transfer document, which is also contradicted by the company by not owning any title to the 5,000 feddans that it acquired nor on any court ruling by placing its hand on the land or Divide it, sell it and profit from it.
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